It was a brilliant day for both Off The Record and St Mary’s Church, blessed by some unexpected but very welcome sunshine. Thank you to everyone who came along to see us on 11 September to support our fundraising during the afternoon or came later to watch some wonderful young musicians and performers at the evening concert in the Church. We raised just over £1,000 thanks to your support and generosity. More importantly in many ways, the event was really successful in bringing our existing partnerships together and in developing new friendships within the community in a truly celebratory way of what can be achieved when we join up in force. Our very special thanks to the RMT Youth Jazz Band, who got the afternoon off to such a rousing start, to the bellringers who let the whole of Church Street know we were there (as if the smell of the sausages frying wasn’t enough of a draw), to the young musicians from Richmond Music Trust, the readers and performers, who thrilled us with their enthusiasm and talent, and to the local businesses who gave such generous prizes for our raffle. A big thank you, in particular, to our wonderful friends at St Mary’s Church for hosting this joint event, and who worked so hard to make it such a success for both organisations.