We’re pleased to present our 2022-23 Annual Report which includes our service statistics and financial details. We had a busy year, providing 3,690 sessions of support which was a 5% increase on the previous year, in part facilitated by the opening of three new satellite hubs. We continue to see really positive outcomes as a result of our support, with 100% of clients who completed feedback at the end of their sessions saying they felt listened to and understood and 96% reporting that counselling definitely helped them.
Our “Friends of Off The Record” group went all out on the fundraising front to help secure additional income and to spread the word about this valuable service to the local community. You can read more about their endeavours in this report. If you’d like to join this group, please email info@otrtwickenham.com for further information on how you can get involved. As ever, we are very grateful to all our supporters, including trusts, foundations and statutory grants through to everyone who makes a donation online or into our charity buckets at various events.