It’s that time of year again! Our annual Christmas Carol Concert will take place at St Mary’s Church opposite our Church St Offices.

The evening starts with the sound of a quarter peal rung on St Mary’s bells from 5.30pm which definitely adds to the festive atmosphere.
The concert itself is varied with dance and musical performances by young people as well as an opportunity for everyone to join in with some traditional carols supported by the Off the Record Singers.
After the concert we will be serving festive refreshments and a complimentary glass of wine (provided by Doran Family Vintners). There will also be a raffle with some amazing prizes.
We are very grateful to Church Street Traders for their support. All funds raised will enable us to continue our vital work for local young people.
£12 at the door. We welcome children – no charge for under 15s.
For further information email or phone 020 8744 1644.